About Olandra (she/they)

By supporting our bodies’ natural desire to heal and find balance I have noticed a peacefulness, ease and sense of empowerment emerge from myself and my clients.

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In my early twenties I developed some health problems and after trying western medicine to no avail, I was introduced to natural forms of healing and holistic approaches to health. I incorporated medical anthropology and massage classes into my university studies and developed a fascination with bodies and wellbeing. This paved the way for my passion to create healing spaces for others.

For me, bodywork is a dynamic integration of science and the creative process. The practice of unwinding and releasing tissues in the body becomes the end and the means, an invitation into self discovery, growth, and rejuvenation.

I look forward to working with you as we co-create what bodywork is capable of bringing into your life!

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Education and Experience

I earned my massage therapy license in 2010 from the Holistic Health Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. After completing my initial training, I began my private practice and took continuing education classes around the United States in Thai Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, Visceral Manipulation and Anatomy & Physiology. I currently hold 872 hours of training in accredited bodywork therapies. In 2019 I also completed 40 hours of training in medical advocacy for survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence along with a 16 hour training in compassion cultivation as developed by the Compassion Institute. I’m always learning something new, but I’ve found that the most learning I’ve experienced comes from working with clients and feeling ever curious and inspired by bodies and healing processes.  

Languages: English, Italiano (advanced), Espanol (beg/int)
License & Establishment Numbers: LA9109, E4382